Substance “Misuse” & The First Responder

By Safe Call Now Admin Staff

There are many telltale signs that can suggest that a first responder is misusing medication, drugs and/or alcohol. Depending on the substance that is being misused, the amount of the given substance or substances that is being consumed, and the length of time an individual have been struggling with substance misuse can all affect the obviousness of a substance problem. If you are concerned that you or a loved one is battling substance misuse, it is a good idea to take note of the following signs and symptoms:

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Finding Your Strength…

By Steven Smith – Retired Assistant Chief

As first responders, we are often too tough for our own good. Refusing to admit that we have weak points and that we are frail and weak at times. Having to be strong in public becomes so ingrained in us that it becomes a way of life. It finds its way into every aspect of our life, from how we deal with the public, how we deal with our families, and how we deal with ourselves.

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PTSD, Addiction & First Responders…

By Safe Call Now Admin Staff

First responders have a grueling job. They see things that most people may not ever even have nightmares about and many first responders do not have access to the therapy and the help that they need to be able to effectively deal with these horrible circumstances and the stresses they deal with each day.

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